Monday, July 13, 2009

Numero Dos

Section 1: The Rant

So, here's my day.

Hang out at the apartment. Get my tickets for Harry Potter. Play some Halo with some friends. Then I find out that a girl I know is depressed and in need of cheering up. So my roommate and I invite her over and we decide to get food. A third friend (the Halo one) asks if he can come eat with us. So the four of us go to Quiznos. The third friend comes later. When he gets there, he suggests we all go play frisbee. I enjoy this activity, but I'm assuming that the girl with us isn't so keen, but this particular third friend is usually very.. Not demanding. That's not the right word.. He usually gets his way. He doesn't whine or anything. It's just we usually just.. Do what he wants us to do for some reason.

So we realize that none of us have frisbees, so we go to Toys R Us to buy one. At this point, the girl and I realize that by the time we get a frisbee, it'll be dark out. So we aren't too keen on the idea. We can't find one there, and so the girl and I head back to my apartment, cause I needed to take my prilosec. And my roommate and the other friend head to find a frisbee somewhere else.

So, the girl and I sit around for a bit and talk about relationships, and how people should talk/act around a lady and how the third friend didn't exactly act very gentlemanly. And then she left, and then my roommate came back, cause he didn't want to go play either.


You can try everything you can in order to be a good friend or have a good day, but it's still entirely possible for one person to unintentionally screw it up just by being himself.

Section 2: The Plan

The gf's coming to town tomorrow. We're gonna see Harry Potter, and try to hang out a little bit. This will hopefully be a good thing for us. We've had a little more than a few problems as of late, as all couples do, but it feels like with the long distance, things are magnified. So hopefully getting to spend some actual quality time together might help smooth things over a bit.

Section 3: The Job

I've applied at about a million places over the last little while. Most recently, I applied at about 5 Starbuck's. One of which told me that they will be hiring 3 new positions soon. So that may work out.

Section 4: The Conclusion

Comment. K. Thanks. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. Something. :) jk. The Starbucks thing sounds promising. If they don't call you for an interview, they're crazy.
