So, I took my baby to the vet today. I noticed a weird sore looking thing on her ear yesterday and I had no idea what it was, so, naturally, i freaked out. And the vet my parents use had no openings today, so I decided to ask Rachthony which vet they use and I made an appointment. Gabrielle has been to a vet maybe once in her life, which in my opinion is about 5 to 10 times two few for a 4 year old cat.
So, she got weighed, 11 pounds, which is actually pretty good. And her temp was like 110, which is normal. And the vet checked her breathing and heart and muscles and organs and whatnot, and everything was good. She got her Rabies and Distemper shots, and she's getting tested for ringworm, which is what the vet thought the sore on her ear was. And he gave me some medicine to put on the ear to treat ringworm, if it turns out that it is, in fact, ringworm. He also recommended Frontline or Capstar for her fleas. I'm leaning toward Capstar, since I am wary of putting pesticides directly on her fur. I've seen pics on the interwebs of cats with large bald spots on their backs from those type of liquid flea meds. And, you know me, I'm a HUGE worry wart. So, I'd rather do Capstar, which is a pill.
So, bottom line, I spent $110 bucks on a vet visit for my cat, all of which would have been totally unnecessarily if MY DANG DAD WOULD STEP LETTING THE DANG CATS GO IN THE DANG BACKYARD!!!!!! So, as far as I'm concerned, dear old Dad owes me a hundred bucks. But.... Seeing as how he, I dunno, raised me and paid for almost every meal I've ever eaten, I suppose I'll let it slide...
Other than that, today has been spent watching YouTube crap. I'm not kiddin ya. I almost don't need a tv anymore. It if weren't for vidya games, I'd seriously sell the dang thing.
I've never gotten all serious about blogging before, but if ya want, I can post some pics of the kitty kitty. If I can figure it out. Okay, here I go.
Yay! I think I did it! So, that's mah girl. And once we get her ear taken care of, she'll be right as rain. Hm, Now that I've learned how to put pics on here, my blogs will probably get MUCH more annoying. Alright, that's all for now. I may be going to BDubs with Jason, Jason, and Tim Roark in like a half hour.Till next time, remember to get your pets spayed or neutered.
New Shannon
Awwww cute kitty! :)